In The Secret Life of Earth’s next four videos, we’re transported to an ancient era, referred to as the Arc of ‘Noe,’ from which the biblical figure Noah is derived. This story centers on the I’hins, a spiritual race struggling to survive amidst the moral decay of surrounding populations. In this time of widespread corruption, humanity’s transgressions manifest physically, as illness and suffering permeate their societies. Through the I’hins, we see a people determined to adhere to spiritual principles, holding fast to purity and virtue despite being overshadowed by the sins of others. They embody resilience and steadfastness, protecting sacred knowledge amid immense challenges.
The climax unfolds with a great flood, symbolizing a cosmic reset akin to flood myths worldwide. This deluge acts as both a destructive force and divine intervention to restore balance. Guided by High Angels, the I’hins build ships as an act of faith. As waters rise, the I’hins survive, preserving spiritual wisdom. Their spread across lands marks a new beginning, becoming ancestors of societies in America, China, India, Egypt, and Japan. The episode emphasizes resilience and the importance of upholding spiritual truth, symbolized by the rainbow—a divine promise of renewal.
See more of the Secret Life of Earth
This video is part of the Secret Life of Earth series, a free to watch video collection which unveil the hidden forces that shape human history. It offers a transformative journey through ancient wisdom to deepen our understanding of the universe and the spiritual forces that have guided humanity throughout the ages.
The Secret History of Religion
Viewers are invited to uncover the spiritual dimensions of humanity’s past. This immersive series explores the forgotten teachings of great prophets and ancient civilizations, examining how unseen spiritual forces have shaped human history.
Key figures such as Zarathustra, Moses, Buddha, and Abraham are reinterpreted through a spiritual lens, revealing how their teachings have shaped civilizations and influenced religious beliefs. Each episode investigates pivotal events such as:
- The Flood of Atlantis
- The construction of the Great Pyramid
- The spiritual conflicts that shaped history
This series offers a new perspective on the intersection of religion, science, and spirituality, shedding light on how spiritual forces have guided humanity through the ages.
Through these captivating narratives, you will explore the influence of ancient cultures, including Atlantis, ancient Egypt, and early Mesopotamian civilizations, and how their preserved spiritual knowledge continues to resonate today.
By revisiting these spiritual teachings, you will gain a deeper understanding of humanity’s spiritual journey and how it continues to guide us in the modern world.
Join the Journey
The Secret Life of Earth series is more than just a collection of videos; it’s a transformative journey that merges science, spirituality, and ancient wisdom. Whether you’re curious about the cosmic forces that govern existence or the spiritual dimensions of our history, this series provides profound insights that will change how you view the world.
Start your exploration today! Visit our website at Secret Life of Earth to watch the series for free and uncover the hidden forces that shape your life and the universe.